Sunday, November 22, 2009

Saying Goodbye to the baby gate

October 20th Tuesday

Casper can go up and down the stairs with ease, so it is time to get rid of our beautiful baby gate. Bryan made this baby gate when Mircea was little (he got the design from his mom, who made built one for Dewey or Darren.) None of the store baby gates worked with our stairs and banister. Personally, I think this gate is awesome! It had a spring-loaded hinge, so it was quite easy to work and to top it off, it looks great as well!
So Cea used it, then our neighbors borrowed it for their little girl (their 2 oldest daughters would use it as a hitching post), then we got it back for Casper, and now we are saying goodbye to it once more, and it is going back to our neighbors as they are expecting #4.

1 comment:

Grumpy and Dayka said...

HA!! Makes me sound like I'm an inventor or something!! :>) Or a carpenter!!
HUGS from Daka and Grumpy