Monday, October 25, 2010

5/15/2010 -5/16/2010 Dewey and the garden

Saturday and Sunday

Dewey has come to visit. So just like all the other times. . . we put him to work! This weekend his job was to build me a garden. A square foot garden to be exact. This meant taking out some sod, and building the garden, adding the special dirt, etc. Thank goodness Dewey had a lot of help from Mircea and Casper; otherwise the job might have never gotten done!

Boy, Dewey, that sure looks heavy. . .

Here, little Dude will give you a hand. . .

What a helper you are Dewey. . . I mean Dude!

And with some more help from Mircea. . .

Dude pushes the wheel barrel over to the other side of the yard to be unloaded.
(At least it looks like Dude did the pushing.)

Mircea finds a nice worm to feed our fish Jack.

She also does her fair share of moving the grass.

A little break on the swing is nice.

Tossing everything in for the last load.

Unloading. . .

Making the ground level. . .

Working just as hard in the sandbox.

Mircea finally gets out of her pj's into play clothes.

Look!! My garden is almost done!
Thank you Dewey!

Dude is carrying a dried up old basil plant, that he tended to "unplant" up on our deck. I had "replanted" it many times, but I guess he finally tossed it off the deck.
He just found it now.

Our strawberry patch, rhubarb and potatoes
The kids love to run to the strawberry patch hoping for strawberries

Mircea got to plant a zucchini seed at Mosby Farms.
It grew in the house and now we are planting it outside in a special spot just for her.

Daddy helps her get it out of it's little pot.

It is Sunday, and time for Dewey to go!
We will miss you Dewey!
Come back home soon!

Bryan gives him a push, and he is on his way, with a bunch of stuff from our garage!
Enjoy the record player!
Drive carefully!

1 comment:

Steve'nCandy said...

I love the picture where Dude is 'pushing' and it looks like Dewey is pointing where to go! ha