Sept. 7 Monday Labor Day
Carol calls and asks if we want to go to a Tacoma Rainiers game that afternoon--so instead of cleaning the garage as planned we went to Cheney Stadium. This game would decide if they would head into the playoffs. Cea went bicycling with Papa instead of coming with us, so it was just Bryan, Porsche, and Casper; and then Sean, Carol, Marina, Dakota, and Evelyn.
When we got there the game was delayed a bit due to a wet field--SURPRISE--we had some rain!. So we decided to get some food to chomp on while we waited--plus we had missed lunch. The "food court" at Cheney stadium is small to begin with, but they had even more limited areas open. To top it off they were not expecting this large of a crowd at the game (the biggest crowd that year) and so they were running out of food quickly. Thankfully we were able to get fed, so it all worked out (as for was it good or not--well, we did eat it--but it wasn't as good as their tortilla junction that we prefer, but wasn't open).
The game was a blast. Lots of fun---oh wait, except for the very beginning of the game, a guy jumps out on the field and drops his shorts--it was horrible--shame on him--I was in a conundrum--do I cover Casper's eyes, Marina's eyes (who was next to me) or my own! Thankfully we mostly only saw his backside, and he was arrested. Then around the 8th inning there was another streaker!--the Rainier mascot, Rhubarb the Reindeer. It was hilarious--you will see the video below!
The Rainiers did win, the weather ended up being great, and the kids were awesome as well. Casper fell asleep halfway through after Sean fed him a bunch of french fries and cracker jacks (he also ate half a brat as well). We did a lot of cheering. The crowd is definitely different for these local triple-A games, the heckling is funny, and we are sitting closer to the field, it just feels more like a baseball game. The Mariners games are fun, but a lot fancier. The crowd was rather large and boisterous the whole game which was a lot of fun!
"Score that 5-4-3!" says Casper
Casper Cheering--he is just beside himself with excitement
(he is my favorite Triple-A player)
The Streaker!
Casper also eating Cracker Jacks!
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