So what was the "ending" of our last fish saga?
All of them died but one. It was quite a bummer! Not to mention, the tank we had was starting to leak.
Well, I was done with Tetra's and wanted GloFish instead. Unfortunately, one of the tetra's just refused to die--what were we going to do?
The solution:
We have a 5 gallon tank for Tetra's
We have a 10 gallon tank for GloFish and a frog
and we have a 56 gallon tank, that Bry is picking the fish for.
The 10 gallon tank is my favorite, as we all had a hand in putting it together. Cea picked out the castle, Bry picked out the rock, the wall and some of the plants, and Porsche picked out the fish, some of the plants and insisted on a bubbler, and Casper likes to look and giggle.
GloFish are genetically altered to be the bright colors they are. We have 2 pink, 2 orange, and 2 yellow/green. I think these fish have ADHD! It is quite the fun tank to watch. When you feed them--they are pigs!!!! They will even eat from your fingers. The frog hides under the castle--I wouldn't doubt if he finds the fish a bit annoying. We are calling the frog, Rebel (again).
And in case you are curious--Bry is in charge of the tanks, so he does all the water changes, he and Cea do the feeding, etc. I just enjoy the results!
Here are pics of the 5 gallon and 10 gallon tanks.